“Magic is believing in yourself. If you can do that, you can make anything happen.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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GoodTricks is the place to learn magic with a huge library of tricks, step by step instructions and pictures or videos to clearnly explain how the magic works. Learn card tricks, coin tricks, street magic and levitation.
Pawprint have a huge range of embroided badges that support topics being learned. Alongside, they have 1000s of resources available as free downloadable (or printed for a fee) challenge packs which give tons of ideas for topic related activities. Check out the Magician Adventures challenge pack and badge.
STEM Learning has a library of free downloadable resources. They have a Movies and Magic resource aimed at 7+. The booklet contains details of 8 exciting activities and there are further downloads to support these activities.
Michael Bach has created a library of visual phenomena and opitcal illusions which are fascinating to explore. Each image has an explanation on what to be looking for and what is going on.
Udemy offers online video courses. They have many courses teaching magic from beginner to advanced. There also have a 'Magic for Kids - Level 1' course available.
The Young Magicians Club is for 10-18 year olds. Become a member and have access to workshops (in London), magazines and other benefits to support you in becoming the magician you want to be.
Marvin's Magic sells a huge range of magic tricks such as multi trick sets, card tricks, coin tricks and illusions. You can also buy a wand, cloak and hat!